Sushi Q

Ban and I ate at Sushi Q the first time a few years back when they were still new at One U. We quite liked it. It was not really a proper Japanese restaurant. It has packed Japanese food in (presumably) chilled counter where you could peruse and then purchase to eat at a table there if you wish. Soy sauce and wasabi were provided for free but not drinks though, which I tried not to purchase. Sometimes I shared drinks with Ban because it was expensive, given its austere place. Somehow we didn't eat there regularly. A few reasons: we usually don't go to One U because of the hassle to find carpark space. Secondly, when we meet with friends for meals at One U, we end up at a proper restaurant where we can sit and chat for a while. Sushi Q is hardly such place to do this. Now with Paradigm Mall so near to us, there is even less reason to go to One U. Fortunately, there's a branch of Sushi Q over there. It serves the same food the same way except that it also serves ramen a...