Crazy "independent" idea
You know how listed companies are required to have their accounts audited independently by external auditors? This is to prevent their accounts from being audited by parties with vested interest in the financial statements of the companies (i.e. conflict of interest). For example, it is in the interest of the CEO of a company to present good results from its financial statement and therefore an audit by him or anyone close to him is likely to be biased or at least perceived to be so. Now, given that for an insurance company, the largest liability is the policy liability i.e. reserve set aside to meet expected future insurance claims, why the position of Actuary is not independent? Currently, either the Actuary is a permanent staff of the insurance company or a consultant hired to act as the company's Actuary. Either way, he is the company's Actuary and is not required by regulation to be independent. Of course there are constraints on the Actuary to ensure he act "inde...