After 24 hours...

...the modem/router is still working well! Woohoo!

The problem has been solved last night.

Before that, as I've said in my earlier post, I've tried connecting my housemate's laptop directly to the modem via LAN cable. I've also tried the following without success:

(1) Connect the modem directly to the phone socket, instead via microfilter.
(2) Scanned housemate's laptop for virus.
(3) Scanned housemate's laptop for spyware.
(4) Installed a internet connection keeper in my laptop.
(5) Used another phone line.
(6) Used another LAN cable (for my laptop).

Mr Skanky labeled my case as an X-File case :-)

There were only 3 suspects I had: modem, ISP or housemate's laptop. So next, I e-mailed the modem vendor techincal support. First reply was to ask me to scan housemate's laptop for virus and spyware. Yup, done that already. Next reply was to ask me to bring the modem and my housemate's laptop to the service centre.

Now, that's a bit tricky because the opening hours for the centre is 9am - 7pm, which encompasses my office hour. Fortunately that day when I read the e-mail I was working from home. So a quick call to my housemate to get his password, I swiftly went off and took a bus, train and then a taxi to the centre, which is not at a convenient location.

Reached there about 15 mins to 7pm. The tech guy was quite funny and down to earth. Snippets of our conversation are as follows:

Me: So I guess you guys worked late, huh?
Tech guy: Yah lor. "Because of you..." (to the tune of Kelly Clarkson's song)
Me: *Laughed* Wei, not my fault what. Your opening hours mostly coincide with office hours and so this is the only time I can come mah.
Tech guy: Then it's my fault, is it?
Me: Of course not lah.

(After running some diagnostic, analysis and even go elsewhere to type and do stuff...)

Tech guy: Ok, I have 2 suggestions.
Me: What?
Tech guy: Either reset modem or upgrade firmware. But upgrade firmware has 50/50 chance of failure of which then the modem will spoil.
Me: Eeeek. Like that, I don't have a choice. Try reset first lor.

Tech guy: Wah, reset and still the stats look bad ar. This one should be 0 ideally and even after reset for problematic modems, normally should be between 1 to 5. Yours is 14!
Me: So how ar?
Tech guy: Only thing left is upgrade firmware. But got 50/50 chance ar.
Me: If spoil, then have to buy new modem, is it? How much?
Tech guy: S$300. Actually, you can buy other brand lah. Cost S$100+ only. So you wanna upgrade?
Me: Got temple nearby?
(Both he and his colleague laughed)

Tech guy: Ok, I already set up the upgrade. I'm not going to press it. You presss it lah.
Me: Huh? Don't lah. You can press for me.
Tech guy: No, no, no. I don't want to be responsible if something goes wrong.
Me: Haiz. Ok, ok. I press.

Me: So what's your name?
Tech guy: No need know my name lah. Skali if something wrong...
Me: *Laughed* You scared I report you, is it? I won't lah.
Tech guy: Just call me Tech Guy A
Me: *Laughed* Ok, thanks Tech Guy A

Tech guy: So how old are you?
Me: Oh, oh, you wanna guess?
Tech guy: Hmmm I'll say you're about 30.
Me: Wah, you so good ar. I'm 32. Nobody has ever guessed above 20+
Tech guy: I got experience mah.
Me: Why? People also guessed you're younger than you look meh?
Tech guy: No ar. I'm 25.
Me: Oh, that's ok what. You do look your age.

Tech guy: So if you have any problem, ask for YX, ok?
Me: Which is not you, rite? Your colleague, rite? *Pointing to his colleague, who smiled*
Tech guy: Yah, hehe.

(Later he did tell me his name)

Yes, it was fixed after spending at least 1 hour there. Thank goodness the gamble paid off and more importantly, thanks to the nice tech guy.


Little Dove said…
Sounds like you were flirting... lol
Jaded Jeremy said…
Little Dove,
Yah meh? But I'm usually like that one wor if the other person is friendly lah.
Medie007 said…
definitely a flirt. :P
Jaded Jeremy said…
Oh boy...then what call it when I think I'm really flirting?

I'm usually that friendly one wor, just reciprocating someone's friendliness mah.
savante said…
Why you so liddat? Flirt separuh jalan! At least ask him out dammit!
Jaded Jeremy said…
You crazy ar? You know my satelite is non-existence. In any case, it wasn't flirting!
Medie007 said…
u just didn't know u were. :D now that we're all telling u that u were flirting, a damn good one too, next time round perhaps you would want to get the phone number at least. heeeeee. :P

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