Smile at past 6 months

Smiley, originally uploaded by Jaded Jeremy.
Six months ago, we decided to be partners with hope but not fool's hope. Since then, at least for me, I felt much happiness for being with you. A wonderful, caring, thoughtful, smart, sweet man.

Did we argue? No. Only once I was furious but I didn't yell as it broke my heart even while reprimanding him.

Not a day past that I didn't think of him and grinned at some of the things he did or said :)

At times, I wasn't sure what he sees in me but he's happy to be with me as much as I do with him and that's what matters most.

Ban, honey, here's to many more smiles and laughters. *Kiss*


Elyssa said…
CONGRATS!! :) Am happy that you and Ban are happy together. Great couple I would say.
savante said…
Good news then!
Jaded Jeremy said…
Lyssa, savante,
MrBunnyBan said…
Hee, smiley cake. :)

Smiles and laughter aplenty. *kiss*
William said…
The first puke-inducing post from you. Congrats! :P
Jaded Jeremy said…
Lol! No, not true. There was one 6 months ago albeit short one. Still cannot compare with you lah hehe.
Janvier said…
Insulin, stat! Smiley pie post is sweet! ;)
Jaded Jeremy said…
Hehe I didn't purposely sweeten it. Just heartfelt :)
Little Dove said…
I'm so happy for you and Bunny. Wishing you more sixthiversary to come! :)
Jaded Jeremy said…
Little Dove,
Thankee :)
Anonymous said…
Very happy for you and Ban. You two make a great and happy couple. Here's to many, many more anniversary's. SR
Anonymous said…
Forgot to mention that it was a real pleasure to meet Ban during my recent visit. He is really a nice, sweet and pleasant man. I think this is a win-win relationship. SR
Jaded Jeremy said…
Thanks! I'll pass the comments to him :)
Anonymous said…
JJ, forgot to mention when I read about how you had to wake up early that day on 31/Jan to get to M'ysia, and Ban nearly slept at the wheel, and you had to take over... I was very touched by the trouble you 2 went through to visit with me, my sis and b-i-l in M'cca. It confirmed you 2 are good and thoughtful people and am happy you found each other. SR

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