Exam and toilet

Recently I had a dream where I supposed to take an exam. The exam paper was in the form of a newspaper magazine (anyone still remember Galaxy?). The questions were largely in English but the exam was testing my understanding in Malay e.g. "Fill in the blanks of the following peribahasa".

It was not your usual kind of exam. All it needed was one invigilator and a bench. Yes, a bench. That was where we sat. In fact, the invigilator shooed away another set of invigilator and candidate when they wanted to share the bench.

I remember I had two hours to answer the exam questions but after 1.5 hours, I wanted to quickly finish it because I wanted to go to toilet. Apparently, candidates were not allowed to go to toilet during the exam and so the only way was to submit the answers and then go to toilet. I remember not being able to finish one question, which didn't make sense to me but nature's call was more important.

I went to toilet and next thing I knew was a sense of relief. However, strangely, shortly later it was nature's call again. I was puzzled. I went to toilet again and yet it was still there.

It was then I woke up...with my bladder and bowel full.


Elyssa said…
Oh...this kind of dream....hahaha. Had it so many times before. In reality, you really need to go to the toilet but you are still 'stuck' in your dream. Luckily you did not pee on your bed :P
Jaded Jeremy said…
Yah lor. Luckily :)
Shake Trees said…
its like a test of ur bladder and not a test exam. lolx...
William said…
and bowel! For me, such dreams only apply to #1.
MrBunnyBan said…
luckily you didn't wake up with a wet bedsheet!

...ah, ur sis said the same thing. :P
Jaded Jeremy said…
Koala Express,
Eh, yah hor. Never thought of it that way.

You had dreams relating to your bladder?

Pike-chan said…
LOLs... such familiar dreams and there were times when I woke up and check my pants if I pee in my sleep, lols
Jaded Jeremy said…
I also did check hehe.

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