Big 2

Big 2 is a card game, using the usual poker cards, where 2s are the highest cards while 3s are the smallest. Ideally there should only be 4 people playing and certainly not more than that and hence each person has 13 cards. At any time, up to 5 cards, except for 4, can be played. I understand that some people also disallow 3 cards to be played.

It has been a ritual with my family to play either Big 2 or 7 Diamond at night, for about an hour or so. For the past few nights, we have been playing Big 2 and boy, what a start to the lunar new year: I was the loser in the last 3 matches, where each match consisted of at least 12 rounds.

Instead of taking into account the face of each card, we used a simpler scoring system whereby each remaining card (the winner of a round shall be the one who manages to get rid of all his cards), regardless of its face, shall be counted as 1 point. My worst score was a staggering 87!

Well, I supposed since my bad luck has now run its course so quickly for the past few nights, I'm expecting only good luck for the rest of the lunar year :)

Happy Chinese New Year to all!


Jaded Jeremy said…
You don't like board/card games in general lah :)

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