Gay or not gay?

Duck Crossing

For those who are thinking hard about whether they are gay or not, my advice is to look out for any telltale signs in the past.

For example, if you regularly find yourself in situations where your friends remark aloud, "Oh wow, look at that hot chick across the street." while at the same time, you silently thought, "Omg, look at that gorgeous guy next to her.", then please seriously (re)consider your (homo)sexuality.


William said…
The answer is there, just that most choose to ignore it
MrBunnyBan said…
denial is not a river in Egypt!
Anonymous said…
agree with letopho...there's a gay in everyone, just the amount of gayness determines how gay one is. just like dr evil saying to his son scot, he's just one calorie not evil enuff :-)
Anonymous said…
Listen to that inner voice. However, for many, societal pressures force them to "look the other way". sr

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