Return of the Jaded Jeremy

I was absent from the blog for 11 days due to a retreat to a secluded mountain where I meditated and learned about the secret of life from a revered monk. This retreat was rudely interrupted by the appearance of SBB, who told me how long I had been away. I was shocked as it sure didn't feel that long, as days meld into mere hours - very much like Palace of the Prophets in the Sword of Truth series.

Ok, enough of this nonsense hehehe. Actually I was away in Penang to help my sister to pack, move and unpack. There was internet at her old place. Typically, I checked e-mails, FB and read news just before and after lunch. After that, I would pack some stuff before packing up my laptop in preparation for dinner. Hence I didn't have time to blog.

Internet wasn't set up yet at her new place. There was no newspapers (does this sound like secluded mountain yet? :P ). Thank goodness for Astro Beyond as that allowed me to access to a few news channels. There wasn't any news about 21/12/2012. Oh well.

However, there were plenty of grave news such as Euro countries bickering over budget and debt, US politicians bickering over the fiscal cliff, more deaths in Syria, and the tit-for-tat missile strikes between Gaza and Israel.

Anyway, it was great that the move went better than I expected and so we had some time to recuperate a little bit. I enjoyed my time with my sister and her family. Next stop: Australia in January.

PS: I hope Malaysia general election will not be held when I'm in Australia!


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