
We followed Dr A's recommendation back in February and here's the results:

(1) This time PET/CT scan showed more findings. There were mostly "maybes" and even those that were "likely", we didn't know how serious they were. We consulted the public hospital's urologist, whose team knew we were doing this scan. Based on the report, the urologist said there was indication of cancer in the right kidney bed and the left leg, and thus the cancer had "progressed". Recall that they had all the while stuck to the notion that there was cancer somewhere in the body and chemotherapy was recommended. Incidentally, my dad started feel pain in his left leg almost a month ago but this was confounded by the fact that it occurred at an old injury site.

When we told him that we got 2nd opinion from a private oncologist (for some reasons, they didn't have record of all the information we gave them earlier!) and therefore was doing follow-up tests, he disbelieved us and said that it was us who wanted to do that. I disputed it right away. The audacity!

So the urologist team referred us to the oncology department to get an appointment there. Meanwhile, we made an appointment to consult Dr A once again.

(2) Latest tumour marker still showed nothing for pancreatic cancer and borderline elevation for colon cancer. For the latter, refer to (3) below.

(3) Specialist recommended a repeat of OGDS and colonoscopy in 3 years time (after the last one which was done in late 2016.

So our best guess now is that Dr A will also recommend chemotherapy when we see him next. Hopefully it'll all work out fine.


William said…
So those spots at the kidney and leg are not confirmed?
Jaded Jeremy said…
For kidney bed, it's "suggestive of metastatic deposit". For neck of left femur, there's "a small volume and FDG avid metastasis". Looks like the former is most likely cancer while the latter is confirmed? Oncologist will have the final say, I would think so.
Twilight Man said…
My late mother had almost 20 types of sickness and my late father had prostate cancer and dementia. I had fetched them to see doctors and specialists in so many hospitals on weekly and monthly routines. I could understand your situation as I had many similar encounters until I decided to live each day with whatever comes along.

So my shock was my mum had been seeing so many top specialists and doctors in private & government hospitals but none could tell that she had lung cancer until her right lung collapsed suddenly. They did tests and reported that she had the Stage 4 lung cancer. @#$*@!!!! Why the hell they couldn't tell or spot anything when it was Stage 1, 2 and 3? I was flabbergasted, shocked and tired for words. I took it calmly as "fated" and that everyone needs some sickness to pass away. My mum was almost 85 and had a very good life indeed.
Jaded Jeremy said…
Twilight Man,
Thanks for sharing your experience.

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