Atlas Reactor: Season 3 ranked games

Ever since the last heart-thumping ranked game, I usually avoid playing ranked game. Unfortunately, the last chapter of Season 3 required, as one of the missions, players to earn certain amount of ranked points. I was tempted to forgo it but in the end I did it because I had finished all missions so far. The trick was that I needed to win to shorten the number of matches needed because much more points were awarded for wins.

Fortunately, I lost only 2 matches. Here are a couple of matches that I won:

This was such a refreshing game, even if compared to normal PVP matches. We made mistakes and yet there was no finger-pointing and/or thrash-talking. We continued to communicate and focused on the game, despite falling behind. Good job team!

This is the first time I used Brynn in a ranked game. If I'm not mistaken, team needed a tank and I picked Brynn because it was her turn in my personal rotation. Thanks team for my first win playing Brynn :)

Brynn was a freelancer that I didn't play much initially but after a certain buff to a key ability, she was so much more viable. I quite like playing her. I'll endeavour to post a build in future...if I get over my laziness haha.


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