A dizzying problem

During the two-month period since the last appointment, my mum was gradually getting better. She could drive again. Woohoo! Her range of facial expression had increased. Her taste bud improved (previously, it was "ok" for most food, which wasn't her "norm"). The only constant problem, something that had been happening since the time she was warded, was her dizzy spells. It occurred from the moment she woke up and lasted until at night. Only its intensity varied.

The geriatric psychiatrist said that this may or may not be due to the medicine. Three medicine could cause dizziness: benzhexol, clonazepam and olanzapine. Clonazepam was already on its minimum dose (it seems) and so the next step was to cut it off but mum wasn't keen on that because when she tried that (it was like 3 months ago though), she couldn't sleep. So the doctor asked her to stop benzhexol and stick to that as long as her tremor doesn't interfere with her activities. If not, take it on a ad hoc basis. If that fails to stop the dizziness, then next step is to reduce olanzapine.

Later, after I discussed with my mum, she agreed to try without clonazepam but to take it if she cannot fall asleep by midnight.

So let's hope this works. If it turns out that adjusting these medicine doesn't help, then, according to the doctor, mum needs to consult ENT specialist.


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