Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark - character build (Part 3)

(continue from Part 2)

Mender/Sorcerer (alternate: Mender/Druid)
Counter: Root
Secondary passives: Eruptor, Economy (alternate: Double Cast, Economy)

Mender is a great support class: it can heal, remove any debuff and resurrect. I recommend at least one character using this class.

Since Mender has no offensive abilities at all, the Sorcerer class can complement it well especially with the chosen passives. However, the latter's class is bad if enemies have counter such as Pounce, Slow and Magic. In that case, I'll use Druid instead because of Total Shield and Dispel. Its offensive abilities should be used on enemies that don't have those counters. Economy and Mana Font (from Mender's class) make Double Cast much doable.

The Root counter is great in putting distance between Lana and the attacker.

Plague Doctor/Gadgeteer
Counter: Renew
Secondary passives: Smart Casting, Malice

With what he can wear and use, Virgil can, theoretically, be just behind the frontliners and use the classes' short range abilities. The combination of classes has a variety of abilities: buff, debuff, damage and heal. Also, Gadgeteer's abilities are Special and so Evade Skill and Evade Magic counters are useless againts them.

However, I discovered that oftentimes I ended using only a handful of abililities: Recover, Poison, Heal Burst, Speed Generator and Molecular Infuser. Moreover, Speed Generator is worse than Alchemystic's Mass Haste. I might be playing wrongly...

Smart Casting makes casting AOE abilities so much easier and the increased debuff duration from Malice is great.

Since he has no single healing target (Recovery doesn't heal much), Renew counter is good at supporting him at frontline.


Counter: Renew
Secondary passives: Know Weakness I & II

She was meant to be Gunner/Knight, to take advantage of the Knight's One for All abilities with two guns. However, I felt like I wasn't getting much out of it, mainly because Gunner's debuff abilities are too good to pass up.

So I switched to this combination for even more debuffs: Scoundrel's Dirty Hit and Arterial Cut. In addition, they count as Regular Attacks and so using the Quarreler bow has the chance of inflicing two debuffs. Scoundrel's Sneak Attack, which is the third ability that follows weapon's range, supposedly does lots of damage but I didn't need to use it yet.

Why not Gunner/Scoundrel for increased range (but lower damage though)? Same reason given in Reiner's build: Speed.

The chosen passives increase critical chance significantly, which will increase damage as well the chance of landing debuffs.

As you might have guessed by now, Renew counter is chosen for increased self-reliant


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