Cholesterol 2021: Part 1
Results as compared to 4 months ago:
Sep 2020 Jan 2021 Ref. range
Total cholesterol 5.1 4.9 < 5.2
HDL ("good") 1.89 1.81 > 1.04
LDL ("bad") 2.9 2.8 < 2.6
Triglycerides 0.6 0.7 < 1.7
Total/HDL ratio 2.7 2.7 < 5.0
So it's more or less the same, right? Or optimistically can say it improved. Here's the weird part though:
(1) During that four months, I took Fenofibrate daily for 2 months and then on alternate days for the remaining two months.
(2) Less (rigorus) exercise because couldn't swim due to CMCO and MCO restrictions.
(3) No change to diet.
and most importantly, live stress free, stress manifests a lot of health issues