Crusader Kings II: The vanishing Wales

(continued from here)

So many of Wale's duchies have drifted into Ireland that only two duchies are left. The problem was that one of them was going that way in about 15 years time, not enough time for me to conquer enough land to establish the Empire of Brittania. So, when that goes, the Duke of Cornwall could then create the title Kingdom of Wales (because Duchy of Cornwall would be the sole duchy of the kingdom) and would just automatically be independent of me since we would be of the same rank.

I thought of a few ways to solve this problem. One way which I initially favoured was to create the Kingdom of Scotland and destroy the Kingdom of Ireland title and thereby halt the de jure drift of the Wales's duchies into Ireland. Problem is that I'm not sure I could hold on to Scotland after that because I have no land in it and I cannot experiment because this is Ironman mode.

The other way was to just use brute force revocation of tiles from Duke of Cornwall but that risked negative opinion with all other vassals. Finally I settled on initiating a plot to revoke the County of Devon from him. Here's the ensuring war.


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