A tip to sleep well

Cool night sleep

I hope the housemate is reading this.


William said…
I hope the recommendations work for you.re
Jaded Jeremy said…
But that means using aircond.
William said…
Well, depends on your priorities lor.
MrBunnyBan said…
No need to even consider - Prioritise a good rest at night! But try a reduced setting first - this study may not be local so the temp may not be that suitable for your sleep. 23-25?
Cheryl said…
u can use the aircond and pay a little bit more urself. y not?
Jaded Jeremy said…
Hey, that's what I thought yesterday too i.e. the studies likely conducted in temperate countries.

I likely think it doesn't apply to my case because I do generally sleep ok with fan and also when I used to use aircond, there were times I couldn't sleep well either.

Only if it works lah. Don't think it applies to my case though. But I won't hesitate to use aircond if it's hot.
Jaded Jeremy said…
Of course priority is to get good sleep lah but doubt it's the cause lah.
ikanbilis said…
what about waking up? i need that one please.
Jaded Jeremy said…
For waking up at the desired up, I would recommend:
(1) Sleep at such a time to give you adequate sleep. At least 7 hours.
(2) Put your alarm clock out of your reach.
(3) The moment you get out of bed, go straight to wash your face.

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