GM-ing: result

Ban, a friend and I decided to go ahead to start my GM-ing debut without Ban's brother, with me offering to play a cleric, acting essentially like an NPC, to be part of the party.

After an Ironclaw session, I spent nearly 4 hours finishing up my GM material as well as building my cleric character. I admit that I was a little stress and I thank Ban for being patient, understanding and helpful in this instance *muack!*

Overall, the gaming session went pretty well. Not entirely the way I expected (the players were zanier than I expected hehe) but I believed I managed to execute the game according to a primary guiding principle i.e. everyone should have fun! This is also Ban's belief. If a GM builds his campaign around this idea, then his game session should go much better. The 4e book for dungeon master has some good tips on how to do so.

For my game, there was no negative feedback, despite me asking for it a few times. I take that as a good sign.I hope to inject more fun in the next session :)

However, I strongly suspect that GM-ing and playing a character (even though it's like an NPC) at the same time is more stressful than GM-ing alone (mainly during combat encounters). Hence, once Ban's brother is available, I'll just focus on GM-ing and not play an NPC and I'll see what's the effect like.


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