Crusader Kings II: Hurrying towards empire

(continued from here)

I calculated that if I followed the safer conventional way for waiting out the truce period before declaring war again, I wouldn't be able to create Empire of Britannia before another Scotland duchy drifts into Ireland and thereby allowing my duke of the remaining sole duchy to just create Kingdom of Scotland, resulting in independence for him.

One way was for me to break truce but this is costly: the negative opinon stacks and the lost of prestige seems to increase with subsequent truce.

Two other ways: change of leader for my side or change of leader in England. So when I noticed that there was a revolt in England that would result in a new king if they win, I offered to join their war.

Finally I created the Empire of Britannia! Only the second empire after the pre-existing Byzantine Empire. I forgot to start recording my war to get the last county. I was in a great hurry because if the war had dragged on more than two years, then the Scotland problem might happen.


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