Disrupt, adjust, change

Rehabilitation was disrupted by Covid-19 infection. Took me more than a week before I gradually got back to doing physio exercises: 1 set, then 1.5 sets and finally 2 sets for two consecutive days before the next appointment. Still didn't swim because it rained everyday and I was still coughing right up to Day 16 (measured from first day of testing positive).

Oh, actually, there was an addition to the exercises introduced at a session prior to the infection: soles of feet together in front to stretch inner thigh as part of stretches. I've been doing this right after I sit on feet, which is done as many times as possible throughout the day. I've incorporated this as a form of meditation and stretching, especially just before going to sleep. In general, I do this about 5 times a day.

At the first session post-Covid-19, one additional exercise was added: 

Stand. Bend right leg, heel towards butt, restrained by elastic band. Make sure knee is aligned behind the left knee. 10x3.

Four days later, a whole set of strengthening exercises (retain the stretching exercises) was introduced:

1. Sit at edge of chair. Attach 1 kg ankle weight to the right leg. Right leg over left, straighten diagonally. Reverse. Straighten to the back diagonally. 10x3.
2. Lie on mat. Heels on chair, legs bent 90 degree. Lift butt halfway. Straighten right leg, then heel back on chair. Do the same for left leg. 10x3.
3. Lie on mat. Heels on chair, legs bent 90 degree. Thighs restrained with elastic band. Right heel slides along left shin upward and reverse it. 10x3.
4. Stand on mat. Attach 1 kg ankle weight to the right leg. Bend right leg, heel towards butt. At furthest point push a little harder and then lower back down. 10x3.
5. Sit on mat, heels on mat. Lower both legs to the left flat on mat. Reverse and to the same on the right. 5x3.
6. Micro bend knees. Make sure knees point towards second toes throughout exercise. Tap left foot in front and then back x10. Repeat with other leg. 3 sets.

In the meantime, orthopedic was quite pleased with my knee, so much so that he didn't fix the next appointment i.e. I can call up to make appointment if and when I want to. Honestly, I'm quite surprised because personally I'm apprehensively optimistic. Progress has been like two steps forward, one steps back. Sometimes, it just feels that they're both equal 😔


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