
Showing posts from June, 2024

Race based merit

If you need to consult a specialist, how would you choose one? If you hadn't consulted one before, you might ask family and friends for recommendations. You might even wider your enquiries to social media and forums.  Next, you might look for reviews online but those are rare in Malaysia. Maybe go for the one with most experience but that information is also not easily available. If all else fails, maybe you look at their credentials i.e. professional and academic qualifications and where they came from. In Malaysia, until 2002, admission to public universities were done by race first and then merit second. The bulk of the quota was reserved for Bumiputera, of which the majority of them were Malays. The " quota system remains in the matriculation colleges with a 90% quota for Bumiputeras, while certain foundation courses are exclusively for Bumiputeras ." This partly resulted in Bumiputera students constituting 81.9% of students in public universities as at Dec 2023. It w

Not fair but reasonable

🤣  Thank you William for sharing this with me.

Kheng Wah #2

Of course I went back there again since I have voucher to get a free heavenly Portugese egg tart. This time I tried their herbal ramen soup with pork gyoza. Unusual combination. This was quite good. I was especially pleased with the amount of vegetables, which meant that they acceded to my request.  I would prefer the soup to have more herbal taste but this milder one is probably safer as some customers may not like it heavier.  The pork in the gyoza is like a lump of meat, instead of minced version. I rarely have gyoza. Is it meant to be like that? Since we spent over RM 30, we got another go at the lucky draw and this time I got red bean milk tea, which I had it recently. As expected, I wasn't wow-ed by it since I'm not into red bean but it was nice enough for me to finish it. Luckily I asked for less sugar: the red bean itself was already sweet.

Companies won't remember your sacrifice

 “20 years from now, the only people who will remember that you worked late are your kids” ― David Clarke

Kheng Wah @Megah Rise Mall

I tried 4 different restaurants, including Kheng Wah, so far at this mall. Although some of the food were quite good, it was expensive in my opinion, making it not worth it. Perhaps other customers are of the same opinion as me regarding Kheng Wah: the crowd had shrunk dramatically from a nearly full capacity during lunch time (including seats in the alfresco area) to about a third. One day, I spotted this promotion: RM 19.90 for the set looked worth it. I wanted to try their Portugese egg tart and was intrigued by the seafood spaghetti, which sounded like a typical stir-fried noodled except using spaghetti. From the first spoonful of the spaghetti, I was afraid that I would get jelak by the time I ate half of it. I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't so. It was delicious overall and I definitely would have it again, if it's reasonably priced. The egg tart was great! I also received a voucher, from a lucky draw, for a free egg tart for the next visit.

Pet's opinion


Tea & Water

When Ban and I are in Butterworth, we'll bring my mum out for meals during weekends (she has catered meals during weekdays) or whenever she wants to join us. One of the places that we bring her to is Sushi Ya. There was this time where we had finished our food and were just having our drinks. I was about to finish my warm water when I noticed that mum was still drinking her green tea and chatting too. "Oh, she had quite a lot to say. I'm all ears." So I proceeded to ask for refill of water and later she did likewise for her tea. After quite sometime, the conversation seems to have died down and so... Me: Are you done, mum? Shall we go? Mum: Yes. I was waiting for you. Me: Huh? I was waiting for you too. I saw noticed you wanted to chat and drank more tea. Mum: I saw you asked for refill and so I continued lor. Both of us laughed at this :)