So the purchase of the condo unit is very nearly over. The last step is to receive the title deed from the lawyer after its transfer of ownership is registered by land office. I, together with my mum, sister and hubby, inspected the unit a final time and received the keys from the agent.

Earlier, I was looking up on how to activate electricity and water supply and was exploring the possibility of doing it online. However, the lawyer has passed two copies of the SPA (Sales & Purchase Agreement), via the agent, to me for this purpose. Also, my sister said that from her experience, the process was quick at PBA's office (for water) but took a little longer at TNB's office (electricity). Since I hadn't yet figure out the online process, I decided to do it at their offices. In case there was lack of parking space, I asked Ban to drive me.

First, I had to photocopy my IC, which I did at a photoshop. I also got another copy of the SPA as I anticipated that it would be required by the condo's management office to register me as owner of the unit. 

PBA was quite near and it was near the exit of an expressway too. Fortunately, Ban was driving: there wasn't any carpark spot. Also, same as my sister's experience, the process was quickly done. There were few customers there and I waited only a few minutes before being attended too. It turned out that they needed only the first two and last two pages of the copy of SPA. Sorry, Mother Earth.

We then had lunch at Pho Vietz @Sunway Carnival Mall before going to TNB office, which was a mere 7 minutes drive away. There were ample parking space and so Ban accompanied me to the office. Again, there were few customers and similar to my sister's experience, I had to spend more time there: mainly waiting but it wasn't significantly more. There was a hitch though: they told me that they can't activate my account until the previous owner closes his. They asked me to ask the ex-owner to go to a specific TNB office (something to do with jurisdiction, which puzzled my sister because she didn't need to do it that way when she closed account of her previous accommodation) to close their account and then to ask TNB officer there to activate mine. I asked the agent to inform the owner, who later said it would be done within 6 days.

Last stop was the condo's management office: handed in a copy of the SPA and gave them my phone number. They already knew from the agent and ex-owner that the unit was already sold and so my presence was expected. They just needed my phone number and email address so that they could then ask me for relevant details to register me, as well as provide me instruction on how and where to get the in-house app.

All the above took only 4 hours. Pretty happy and proud of my planning hehehe. Also, thanks to the agent and my sister for information about opening the utility accounts, and Ban for driving me around.


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