Eighth session for thumb/wrist
Two days after the previous session, I sent a WhatsApp message to the physio centre with this question: is it normal for the pain to temporarily flare up (it settled down less than a minute later) after doing the stretching exercises? Apparently not and so I was asked to stop doing those exercises too @@
Unfortunately, stopping these and exercises that significantly involve the arm didn't result in any difference. So, it's back to square one 😔
The good news that came out of this latest session is that there's further confirmation that the diagnosis, De Quervain’s tenosynovitis, is correct. The next theory is that the previously injured tissue healed incorrectly, resulting in inflexible tendon. This explains why directly pressing the area firmly doesn't cause pain but pushing the back of my palm towards me does.
So, in between the usual massages (which still helped a lot), the therapist used shockwave therapy to break down the scar tissue. The idea is to help it heal properly this time.
I was asked to ice that area, once I'm home, for 10 minutes that day and not do anything else. The next day onward, I'm to apply for 5 mins, once a day, the transverse friction massage (with my thumb touching the inner palm as far as possible) as demonstrated in the video below (timestamp 2:20):
Still stop the exercises mentioned above. Next appointment is in 8 days time.