Cholesterol 2019: Part 2

Results as compared to 4 months ago:

                                Apr 2019          Aug 2019          Ref. range
Total cholesterol           5.0                 5.5                  < 5.2
HDL ("good")               1.86              2.16                > 1.04
LDL ("bad")                  2.7                3.1                  < 2.6
Triglycerides                 1.0                0.5                  < 1.7
Total/HDL ratio            2.7                 2.5                  < 5.0

I'm not surprised: for the week prior to this test, I couldn't find the appropriate time to properly exercise when I was at Butterworth and had to make do with the usual 10-min routine each morning. Well, have to get back to it while still taking fenofibrate on alternate nights.

Interestingly, HDL went up quite significantly. I wonder whether it's due to the fish oil supplement.

Oh, I also added one more test that my regular GP suggested long time ago: High-sensitivity C-reactive Protein (hs-CRP). The result was humongously far lower than the critical value. Sorry, don't have the exact figures with me hehe.


William said…
Fish oil definitely helps with good cholesterol.

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