And it goes on

Did another blood test 8 weeks after the last one and WBC count dropped again i.e. 2.4. The historical readings are as follows: 3.3, 3.2, 3.2, 3.4, 2.8, 2.9, 2.6, 2.4 😬

Although I was given a choice of going for bone marrow test right then, I chose to follow the hematolgist's recommendation of still monitoring. I surmised the reasons are as follows:

(1) The reading is still above 2.

(2) The neutrophiles count is still above 1. It had fallen slightly though such that technically I have mild neutropenia, as pointed out by my friend who's an anaesthetist.

(3) Although he was leaning towards autoimmune disorder diagnosis, he doesn't want to unnecessarily prescribe steroids.

(4) It takes some time for the body to get rid of supplements (multivitamins) that I took. That, honestly, seems dubious to me. Maybe he meant it takes some time for the blood to stabilise after having gotten rid of them?

(5) The examination of bone marrow is apparently a painful procedure, something that I was first alerted by watching a House episode and further confirmed from reading medical websites. I should have, however, confirmed with Dr Teh.

(6) I don't exhibit symptom such as fever that indicates my immune system is failing. In fact, I haven't gotten seriously ill during this pandemic. The worst was bad sorethroat for a few days.

So the next appointment was set 12 weeks away but I should see Dr Teh if I have fever or my health deteriorates suddenly.

The good news is that I can be vaccinated against Covid-19. Also, I am not categorised as immunocompromised, something that my friend was surprised.


William said…
Sounds as though multivits are like heavy metals. :S

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