Crusader Kings II: Italy

I noticed that one of my courtiers, who I invited to court earlier beause he had a strong claim to the Kingdom of Italy, was the heir to the Kingdom of Pomerania. I normally hesitant to initiate a plot to kill because half the time, my complicit is revealed but I thought it was worth it. So, I landed this courtier with one of my two spare baronies and initiated the plot.

Good news: assassination went without revealing the mastermind (moi) but instead of being my vassal, my new baron became an independent king! Gah, why? 

It is now that I suspect it's because he inherited the kingdom, rather than me pressing his claim. So since his inheritance title (king) is higher than his then current title of baron, he became an independent king, taking along the barony.

I felt dissatisfied with the previous outcome and wanted to declare war on Italy just to get back my barony. It would have started the first world war though haha. Better idea is to simply press a claim on Italy for a vassal. However, all except one don't want to or cannot come to my court. The exception is already in my court but, argh, he's of Orthodoxy religion! Also, he has only weak claim. Then I noticed that the Italian King's heir is only a child. So, if the king dies, the child will be placed under regency, thereby allowing me to press my courtier's claim. Also, upon the king's death, Italy should be out of the defensive pact against me.

Yes, my plot worked! Gotta wait a day or two for the young king to be under regency before I pressed claim for my new baron.

The problem after that was the effort at converting the new King of Italy to Catholic. Grrr. Damn "true believer".



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