
I'm sure many by now are familiar with Uncle Roger and his egg fried rice :) He reveiwed and commented on this dish made by others, as a lay person (Nigel Ng, a stand up comedian, acts as Uncle Roger).

Finally, possibily due to request from many, he cooked this dish too:

At 7:25 mark, he was telling viewers to use 'feelings' to know how much soy sauce to use. "We put soy sauce in until our ancestors tell us it's enough."

Meanwhile, Ban had twice tried cooking prawn tempura but somehow the flour mix consistency wasn't right, despite following the measurements on the packages (tried two different brand). My sister coincidentally had a packet of tempura flour lying around for sometime already and so upon hearing Daniel's problem, she tried to make the dish.

The dish looked ok, much better than Ban's but nowhere like those typical ones served in Japanese restaurants. She didn't read the package's instruction and used 'feelings' to make the flour mix. She confirmed that she just "agak-agak until your ancestors tell you to stop" 😂

So I informed Ban of my sister's experience.

Ban: Like that, next time I also agak-agak
Me: Do you trust your ancestors?
Ban: No


William said…
Listen to the Great Bunny in the Sky.

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