Farm Fresh

Bought this Farm Fresh Soy Milk well before expiry date and opened it the day after I bought it:

Should had trusted my instinct: I noticed the carton was puffed up and usually I avoided that because of prior experience. I didn't want to return to Lotus's outlet at Paradigm Mall so soon to complain about this and so instead I called Farm Fresh customer care line.

The customer service officer asked for my name and phone number so that they could message me further instruction via WhatsApp and the place where I got the soy milk from. The message apologised to me for the "unpleasant experience", an expected gesture but nevertheless appreciated, and asked for "close-up picture of the affected pack along with the expiration date". I gave them that as well as the above photo and receipt.

Two hours later, I received a message from them that said, among other things,

" We apologize for the unpleasant experience that has happened to you.

Perhaps it is due to less than ideal cold chain that caused the milk to go off before use by date.  

As a gesture of Goodwill, we would like to refund you while we rectify your case.
Kindly provide us with your bank account details and full name for the online refund process.

We shall get our team to check on the remaining stock in the outlet at the same time. "

I thanked them for their quick response and the offer of refund. I also added that that Lotus's outlet's "remaining cartons there were similarly puffed up" and that the outlet was "undergoing refurbishment and moving sections around" and so may have had "affected the quality of the product".

Despite telling me that it would take up to 14 days for the refund to come through to me, it actually took only 2 days. Impressive.

So, overall, I'm happy with their post-sale customer service :)


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