Crusader Kings 2: War x10, Poland, Pre-Crusade

My previous ruler finally got murdered in the Secret Grove lol. I forgot that he was stressed and so his personal combat level was about the same as the targeted infidel. I had wanted him to die if Poland goes under regency (I have a couple of vassals with weak claim on the kingdom) and so this was unexpected. I want Poland so badly because its colour is similar to my realm. Grrrr :P

Seems like 10 is the most I can wage war safely on. Hopefully this will be over soon so that I can get the ruler killed again and enable the new ruler to wage war on Poland.

Deploying army at ten fronts.

I've been wanting Poland because (drum roll pls).......of colour hahaha. Damn game colours Poland similar to Empire of Alba's. A while ago, I checked and confirmed my half-baked suspicion that I controlled sufficient number of counties to usurp Kingdom of Poland. Just needed to wait for the Polish King to finish his war, which he lost to my Hungarian King.

This time, I remembered to vassalise as many as possible before granting the kingdom to a German duke. Probably the only time I remembered doing so. Meh.

Meanwhile, I was prepping for the upcoming crusade. Thought I had plenty of time but boy, the ships were taking too long.


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