Greatest pain so far

At the next physio session, two more exercises were added to the previous ones:

  • Micro bend right leg. Move left leg back and forth. 10x/set. 3 sets/session.
  • Bend left leg i.e. stand on only the right leg. Slide 5 times to the right and left 5 times. 10x/set. 3 sets/session.

Also, the stretching exercise for the calves was changed: stand at edge of stool, bring heels down as much as possible. 30sx3.

The next appointment with the orthopedic was almost 7 weeks after the surgery. Aside from the usual follow-up, one main purpose of the appointment was injection of cytokines, which are extracted from my blood i.e. a two-step process. They needed two tubes of blood @@

Doctor drew blood from the usual spot i.e. just behind the elbow but only got 1.5 tubes of blood. So he started drawing the remainder from the wrist but omg as he was drawing blood, I experienced the most intense pain ever emanating from, not where the blood was drawn (the wrist) but at a spot just below the knuckle of the index finger. I shouted loudly a few times during the process, something that I had never done before. Later, doctor was surprised to learn where it hurt. Fortunately, it stopped the moment he stopped drawing blood. I was grateful that I didn't lose control but omg it hurt so much.

Doctor said that this procedure would cause some soreness and advised me to resume swimming only 3 days later and physio exercises 5 days later.

On another note, I highlighted to him that certain movements e.g. reverse lunge caused pain across the knee, just behind the kneecap. He surmised that that was due to the patellofemoral syndrome and the subsequent surgical treatment. He assured me that it would mostly go away with time.


luke! said…
Hey to this blog. What happened? Are you okay?
William said…
Nurses normally do a better job at drawing blood.
Jaded Jeremy said…
I underwent athroscopic knee surgery nearly 8 weeks ago. It'll take months to fully recover. Overall, doing ok. Thanks for asking.

My mum had the opposite experience. Prior to this, only one other doctor drew blood from me and he did a good job.

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