Crusader Kings II: Deheubarth campaign - Crimea, Charsianon, Djerba

Teutonic order was out of defensive pact because just finished volunteering to defend Arabia, my realm, against a jihad. I couldn't attack them because we still had a truce from a previous war. Byzantine, Amalfi, Bulgaria and the Mongols had their own wars. So, I thought it was safe to press my vassal King of Novgorod's claim on the the Duchy of Crimea.


A Byzantine revolt = opportunity for me to get some land. This time it was on the Duchy of Charsianon for a kinswoman. I was a little anxious that she would die before I win but luckily not. Phew.

Meanwhile, the silly Byzantine Emperor continued his external war despite a major revolt at hand.

Fourth consecutive war. Yet another Byzantine revolt, this time for independence. Their emperor, a kinsman, still refused to abandon the external war to deal with both of these revolts. Tsk tsk tsk.
This time, I pressed a count's claim to Djerba county.

After that, I joined my vassal King of Badajoz in gaining a county from another kingdom, making it the fifth consecutive war before I finally took a rest by holding a feast. Productive years.


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