Baldur's Gate 3: Pallock destroying goblins

In my first run as a bard, I killed many goblins in the temple and poisoned many outside it. So that meant there were quite a number of them left alive. 

I'm slowing down my bard's progress so as to allow Ban to catch up. He abandoned his first run which started about the same time as my bard run. To avoid spoilering him, I used earphones while playing my bard. Alternatively, I played my pallock (paladin + warlock or also known as lockadin by many players; the name pallock is an original invention by me iirc) which started about the same time as his second run. Naturally, his run is much further than my second run since I'm playing two playthroughs simultaneously.

In my pallock run, I killed all goblins in Blighted Village easily. I negotiated with the ogres and left the two lovebirds alone in the barn.

I didn't kill those between the village and the temple. As for those just outside the temple, I poisoned them. While my pallock was in conversation about the poisoning of the goblins' alcohol, I started positioning other characters, in case I fail the skill check. However, unexpectedly, when Gale got near a goblin, he started accusing him of the same thing too.

While the pallock passed her skill check, Gale failed his Detect Thought check and hence this fight:


I quickly disposed of Priestess Gut:

and her guard in the secret chamber below:

I wanted to clear only the area just outside the place where Halsin was imprisoned but accidentally dragged in Minthara:


Had easier time rescuing Halsin compared to my bard run:


I suspect the floating sphere near Minthara alerted nearby goblins and so Dror Ragzlin and gang were already hostile when I stepped into their area. I wanted to blow them up, like previously. Oh well.


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