Baldur's Gate 3: Pallock vs Gortash

In my first playthrough, playing as a Lore Bard, I did the more typical safer route in defeating Gortash: disabled the Steel Watch foundry first (but to do that, I rescued some prisoners beforehand) before confronting him. Steel Watchers are quite a pain to deal with.

In this second playthrough, I followed the way of another player, where Gortash was killed in a much easier fashion:

However, on hindsight, I should have gotten someone to unlock the next waypoint (should be Baldur's Gate) because the drawbridge connecting South Span and Wyrm's Rock was inexplicably up again, although the guards there acted as though it was down, and so I had to teleport straight to Wyrm's Rock, to be greeted by this:

I probably should have made sure the doors of other rooms were close. It might have made a difference.


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