Warded for a second time

Mum hurt herself on the night of first day at the ward and the next morning. However, her condition was much better: very aware, chatty and could initiate a few topics of conversation. She hurt herself again at night, of second day but by third day, she didn't do it any more.

I tried to catch the doctor at the ward to ask whether there was any change to mum's medication or not but to no avail. So, on fourth day, I asked a nurse there and she told me:
  • an addition of 5mg olanzapine during the day (on top of 10mg at night)
  • of an increase in sertraline from 25mg to 50mg
Later on, I found out from my mum that her blood pressure was consistently 130+ and so she was asked to take 1 tablet (2.5mg) of bisoprolol. She informed the doctor that initially she was taking 1 tablet (1.25mg) but because of giddiness, the doctor who prescribed this medicine to her reduced the dosage to half.

Unfortunately, on sixth day, she hurt herself twice in the morning, saying that the voice (a voice that sounded like her, talking to her from the outside, rather than in her min) was much stronger this time. She tried to fight it but couldn't. Despite this, she was ok during our visit (my sister and I) and could even tell us a funny incident. Since then, she hurt herself once each day :(

On the 9th day, the psychogeriatric said that it was possible for mum to go for "vacation trial" at home on the 11th day. Honestly, I was surprised because she was still hurting herself once each day. Coincidentally, they also increased the olanzapine dosage that morning.

On the 10th day, mum managed to restrain from hurting herself: she told the nurses and asked them for things to do. She was asked to punch holes in some forms. This was a significant progress :)

On the 11th day, it was confirmed she could go for vacation trial at home for 3 nights. Yay!


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