Eleventh session for thumb/wrist

Recap regarding pain:

  • Pulling pain at the wrist just below the base of the thumb when I moved my clenched fist upward.
  • Sharp pain at around the same spot as above when I push the back of my palm towards me. 

First exercise caused no pain to either postures but there was pain when doing the second exercise. After a week, there didn't seem to be any improvement in the pain from first posture but there was decrease in pain level for the second one. Therapist viewed this improvement as good news.

As usual, he tried various physical manipulation to determine which one relieved the pain and applied suitable massage techniques. Ultrasound was also used to treat the pain.

Then he got me to do the first exercise but with 3 kg weight, 15 reps x2. He prescribed this exercise but at 10 reps x3, once daily, and canceled the second exercise. Instead, he introduced a new one:

Hand hold bottom of 1kg dumbbell, making sure it's not leaning heavily on thumb. Lower arm flat on table, elbow 90 degree, holding the dumbbell straight up. Lower arm turn inward to lower the dumbbell down to table and back up. 15 rep, once a day.

I can resume using mouse and keyboard with the right hand but for 30 mins and then rest fo 10 mins.

Next appointment is in two weeks time. 


William said…
My hip still on and off will get tight. Doing stretches seems to help manage it.
Jaded Jeremy said…
William, hope it can be fixed permanently.

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