Kheng Wah #2

Of course I went back there again since I have voucher to get a free heavenly Portugese egg tart. This time I tried their herbal ramen soup with pork gyoza. Unusual combination.

This was quite good. I was especially pleased with the amount of vegetables, which meant that they acceded to my request. 

I would prefer the soup to have more herbal taste but this milder one is probably safer as some customers may not like it heavier. 

The pork in the gyoza is like a lump of meat, instead of minced version. I rarely have gyoza. Is it meant to be like that?

Since we spent over RM 30, we got another go at the lucky draw and this time I got red bean milk tea, which I had it recently. As expected, I wasn't wow-ed by it since I'm not into red bean but it was nice enough for me to finish it. Luckily I asked for less sugar: the red bean itself was already sweet.


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