De Quervain's Tenosynovitis

The ointment method that worked on my left wrist was either not working on my right wrist or its effect was too slow / insignificant. Still, I continued with it, remembering that it took quite some time for the pain in my left wrist (pain at a few spots too) to be completely gone.

Meanwhile, I looked up Youtube videos to look for rehabilitative exercises for the wrist. Later, Youtube also recommended videos for pain in thumb. Fortunately I was curious because I came across this video:

Lo and behold! These techniques did lessen the pain significantly and so I started practising these massage and exercise.

Recently, I also came across this:

Henceforth, I stopped massage ointment at the area and use cooling agent to dampen the suspected inflammation. I also incoporated additional massages from this video.


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