Dragon's Dogma 2: Sorcerer

Lately I've been playing lots of Dragon's Dogma 2. The copy of the game belonged to Ban and he shared his Steam library so that I could play it. He had finished playing it like 8-9 months ago.

Graphic is good, world building is not bad, combat is great but boy, their quest system is...questionable. Some of them gave very little clue on how to progress. Some needed others to complete so as to have "good" ending but with no hints of the prerequisite. NPC quest givers randomly died off-screen 🙄

At the start, I could start off as one of 3 classes: Fighter, Thief and Mage. As usual, I chose Mage but soon I switched to Sorcerer shortly after I unlocked it. I built my my pawn as a Fighter and I usually hired a Thief and a Mage.

My Sorcer build is as follows:

Weapon skills

High Levin: I don't like Sorcerer's basic attack i.e. Magic Bolt. Yes, it's great that it's semi-auto aim but it merely tickles the enemies. As much as I love High Frigor for it's crowd control, it can't hit flying creatures. Hence, the choice of High Levin. 

High Thundermine: Tried this after coming across a recommendation, along with its reasons, by Mobalytics. Before getting my knockback resistance to a fairly good level, even thrash mobs can interrupt my incantation. High Thundermine dealt with all of them, including flying creatures. Its cc doesn't work on large creatures but they were usually attracted by my Fighter pawn anyway.

Augral Flare: Used to melt large creatures, especially if it's placed at their weak points. They often hated me after it was triggered and so I learned to dash away when they started going for me :D

Maelstrom: Cover a large area and hit large creatures multiple times. Great against golems. Great fun to watch too when cast on thrash mobs :D


Apotropaism: Increase Magick defense. Sorcer's escape ability, levitate, isn't that great. So, being a squishy, increase in defense is good.

Mettle: Increase physical defense. Same reason as above.

Subtlety: Lower chance of being targeted by enemies. A crucial survival augment.

Endurance: Increase Stamina. I think without it, I would have run out of Stamina each time I cast Maelstrom. It's a good augment for any vocation imo.

Constancy: Increase Knockback resistance. Crucial to minimise incantation's interruption.

Sagacity: Increase Magick. This is sort of replaceable because the increase is not much in percentage term (it just gave a flat amount increase) as my Magick went up. I was trialing between this and Vitality but as I became confidenta at staying safe, I went for Sagacity permanently.


Here are some gameplays:

Maelstrom's mischief :D

Double cyclops!




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