Sixth session for thumb/wrist

There was no improvement or deterioration slightly more than a month after the last session i.e.

  • there was still pulling pain at the wrist just below the base of the thumb when I moved my clenched fist upward,
  • there was still sharp pain at around the same spot as above when I push the back of my palm towards me, and
  • there was still sourish pain, at the base of thumb where the bone is, when I pushed my thumb backward and away from the fingers.

The therapist tested a few things, asked some questions and then explained some things. He massaged to loosen some tight areas until the first two above were gone. Miraculous.

He modified the physio regime:

  • Fingers and thumb straightened side by side. Place rubber band around it in such a way that there's some challenge in moving the thumb sideway away from the rest of the finger. Moved it 30 times. Do this before the following stretching exercises.
  • Palm faces forward, fingers pointing down. Pull the thumb backward for 10s. Do this 30 times.
  • Palm faces forward, fingers pointing down. Pull the 4 fingers backward for 10s. Do this 30 times.
  • Palm facing me, fingers pointing down. Pull the 4 fingers forward towards me for 10s. Do this 30 times.
Can spread each of this exercise throughout the day. Next appointment is in two weeks time.


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