Interesting advertisement in Singapore

Burger King

Ballsy? Since when that's a word? This ad was at the bus stop opposite where I'm staying.


Want to make a guess where I saw this ad? Just take a wild guess. Do you think it's around the redlight district? Perhaps...maybe...just maybe, as a stretch of imagination, it could be at some sort of health exhibition? At Health Sciences Authority, maybe?

It was in a very public place where thousands and thousands of people get to see it, across all ages. It was in a MRT train! I was surprised actually. It was a shame there weren't children around. Would love to hear them asking their parents what that ad was all about :-)

Kid: Daddy, daddy. What is condom ar? Where does it fit?
Dad: Errr it's something that grown up people use.
Kid: So you use it ar?
Dad: Errr...oh look, that building looks interesting.


[SK] said…
ballsy means you've got the balls~~ :p
Jaded Jeremy said…
So only it's meant for guys only? ;-)

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