Work/Life Balance

Work/life balance is enshrined within my company's policy. Here's my big boss's idea of what work/life balance means to her when she was asked:

Work hard and long hours + destress

Nothing about spending time with loved ones. Nothing about exercise. Nothing else except to work hard and long hours (e.g. working till 10pm was cited as "being serious about career") and then destress the stress work caused. It's like working yourself till exhaustion and then fix it. That's work/life balance.

To her, only those who work hard and long hours care about their career.

It appears that she's operating on the maxim of Career = Life.


Anonymous said…
Well, here's a study about overworking you can show her...hahahaha...

William said…
Equals no life.
Jaded Jeremy said…
It was reported in papers here. I read it out aloud in office :P

Interestingly, in the same article, apparently the studies also show that people who like their job and have greater lattitude in work decisions tend to work longer hours for the pleasure of it and they have lower CHD (coronary heart disease).

Darn right.

Anonymous said…
JJ - Yes in research field that is called High Job Control. People who have high job control tends to be more satisfied...which makes intuitive sense I guess.

Anonymous said…
Tim, in his own business enjoys his job, and yes, can work long hours--as your sis put it, "High Job Control" can be satisfying. The big boss, is she single? If not, she surely does not enjoy a family life, as a matter of fact, she does not have much of a life outside work! SR
Anonymous said…
That explains her lifestyle. Positive change will occur only when she finds a life partner. Someone, fix her up!!!! SR
Jaded Jeremy said…
Her life partner is work.
Anonymous said…
But ah, she has not met that frog turned prince to sweep her off her feet yet! SR

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