Medical errands

8.35am - 9.45am
The clinic opened at 8.30am. It was no wonder I was patient number 6. Doctor was at the stage where he concluded that I needed to see an ENT specialist about my sinusitis symptoms. Went to the one he recommended 3 years ago who miraculously cured my very bad persistent cough and so didn't mind at all going to the same one again. Since it's private, I got my appointment the same day.

11.50am - 12.50am
Specialist, after asking some questions and read the note from my GP, did a scope through my nasal passages. They appeared to be fine. He recommended CT scan of the sinus area. He also postulated that if it shows nothing, maybe I'm having tension headache. Highly doubtful as I pointed out to him that I feel great pressure which moves to whichever side I sleep on (not something that tension headache should have, isn't it?). Paid S$280.

1.50pm - 2.50pm
First time doing CT scan. Hope it shows something that explains the symptoms because otherwise, I need House :P Paid $224.

4.55pm - 5.10pm
Personally collected the scan because if it was left to the hospital, the scan would reach the specialist after my appointment the next day. Delivered scan to specialist's clinic. Was hoping to get a little discount for being a delivery boy but oh well... :P


William said…
Hope you'll find the cause.
plainjoe said…
*fingers crossed*
Jaded Jeremy said…
William, plainjoe,
Thanks. It's not good news. Will update later.
MrBunnyBan said…
There are dehumidifiers for sale here and there I think. Try asking at an electric shop.
Jaded Jeremy said…
Yah, I'm aware of such things. Will consider. Thanks.

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