Sedentary hobbies

If all your hobbies require you to be mobile e.g. sports, walking, traveling, I highly suggest that you take up some sedentary hobbies e.g. watching tv, reading books/articles (offline or online), blogging, participate actively in online forums, playing computer/smartphone games, boardgames, sudoku, crossword puzzles, knitting, sewing. There will come a time when you'll be less mobile or even completely immobile.

It is still not too late to take up such hobbies once you're less mobile, but if you don't, please don't whine about it. "I feel bored". "I feel useless". Please don't show your bored and/or depressed look and bringing everyone else down. Most importantly, don't blame others and/or resent others because you refuse to learn and change for the better. Sooner or later, you will gradually lose your cognitive functions: you are less sharp than someone else of similar age who has more diverse hobbies.


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