Atlas Reactor: Dr Finn 3

I've taken a liking to a particular new-ish mod and so there are now 3 mod sets I used:

"Shield persists" set

(1) Water Spout - unequipped
(2) Refreshing Spray - Self Fish (2 loadout points)
(3) Electrifying Eels - That's a Moray (3 loadout points)
(4) Bubble Trouble - Double Bubble (2 loadout point)
(5) Maelstrom - Leech Infestation (3 loadout points)

The key feature of this set is "Double Bubble", which is the new-ish mod. This is the default set.

Vs Invisible

(1) Water Spout - Catch of the Day (1 loadout point)
(2) Refreshing Spray - Self Fish (2 loadout points)
(3) Electrifying Eels - Spout of Sight (2 loadout points)
(4) Bubble Trouble - Double Bubble (2 loadout point)
(5) Maelstrom - Leech Infestation (3 loadout points)

I only use this set if there are both Kaigin and PuP in the enemy's team. The key mod is "Spout of Sight".


This is exactly the same as the previous default set I blogged about. I used this set when enemies have many knockback opportunities, typically at least 2 lancers with such ability or Helio + a Blackhole carrier. Second most used set currently.

I'll post some gameplays later, where at the end I will also show the mods that I used in that game.


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