Recurring illness

When I'm healthy, I eat well. Balanced meal. Rarely fried, oily or even spicy. I drink lots of water. I exercise for 40 minutes 5 to 7 times a week. I take multivitamins and mineral supplement. My only vice is sleeping late e.g. 2am. So I supposed this one weakness is the cause of my recurring illness? Regardless, I should sleep much earlier.

I can't remember how often I caught this illness when I was working full-time in Singapore. I definitely slept earlier then. Exercised for 1 hour 3 times a week. Healthy balanced meal overall. More stress though hehehe.

The GP that I currently consult regularly seldom prescribe antbiotics. So, unless the symptoms are obviously serious, he won't prescribe it during the first consultation. However, I'm tempted to just ask him prescribe if I know it's this particular illness because in the past, I ended needing them anyway. So why not just cut short my suffering, right? Sleepness night is a torture.


William said…
Think you're right about sleep. Body repair happens earlier in the night. It's my weakness too.
Arvind R.K said…
sleep is important, rest is important, i repeat, sleep and rest are important, this is one of the reason why i always tell Bee to sleep early because i am worried that lack of sleep would affect his health, plus if you are exercising or weight lifting, sleep is really important for recovery

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