Paladins: Barik patch 4.3

Barik's hp was reverted back to 3400 and so another round of determining loadout ensued because the previous loadout, but with Double-Time replaced with Failsafe, no longer worked for me. 

I then tried this loadout ("Turret Saviour") and was sticking to it for sometime:

(refer to this gamespedia for more details)

Field Deploy - 4

Forged Alloy - 1

Healing Station -3

Brave and Bold -4

Failsafe - 3

A couple of gameplays:

I was still thinking of how to tweak the previous Turret Reset loadout to make it work. The problem, to me, was Barik's low hp. In the end, I made a compromise between One Man's Scrap and Brave and Bold:

Field Deploy - 3

One Man's Scrap -3

Healing Station - 3

Brave and Bold -3

Failsafe - 3

This is probably going to be my default loadout for now.

A couple of gameplay:


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