Crusader Kings II: Bohemia campaign - Perm, Ireland

Elevanth Crusade. This time, I truly wanted the target kingdom i.e. the Kingdom of Perm, as it was just next to my realm. Also, my vassal king (think it was only the King of Chernigov) lost to them at least twice. Poor him.

I know I can take the stance of getting the title for myself as back up plan but as always, I checked the other option: was there any dynastic member who was parent of a vassal king?

Since the list of my vassal kings/queens was too long, I used the filter instead to search for non-ruler adult dynastic member, sorted from the oldest first. Then I notice my wife somewhere at the top: she was already 70 years old. I kept forgetting that she was of the same dynasty. Our oldest son would inherit both of realms. Excellent.

The crusade ended pretty quickly i.e. at around only 50% warscore. Last I checked, I was ahead in contribution at 56%, with the nearest competition, a duke, at 8%. Although newly 'freed' Perm's succession law was Agnatic-Cognatic Primogeniture (my realm was purely Agnatic), the first four sucessors were the same as that for Slavic Union (and all other titles I held, as they were all of the same succession law as the empire). Coupled with the fact that my wife was already 72 years old, it was pretty safe to assume that Perm would fold into my realm in the near future.

Finally my 78 year-old mother passed away, outliving my father who was 9 years younger than her. With that, the Kingdom of Perm passed to me.

Normally, I would grant the kingdom to an existing vassal king so that it would increase the number of vassals. I had just a small buffer before hitting the limit and that buffer was needed for vassals in civil war against their lieges. However, I noticed that my brother and his son were 2nd and 3rd in line to succeed me (as an aside, I couldn't figure out how my heir was related to me!). So I granted the kingdom to my brother.

Before that, my English king succeeded in pressing a claim on an Irish county for his vassal. That was enough for me to create the Kingdom of Ireland. I then succeeded, with gift of gold, to vassalise the remaining Iris noble rulers who controlled the remaining 9 counties of Ireland. Needed to wait a while for a powerful duchess to finish her war, where she lost a city to my indirect vassal grand mayor. Peaceful unification :)


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