Knee, Surgery: Q&A

MRI results:

(sorry for the blurriness)

Here's some information from the orthopedic as a response to my questions (from me, sisters and Ban), during the follow-up appointment:

  1. X-ray couldn't 'see' cartilage and hence the differing prognosis.
  2. Left leg: just need to strengthen muscles around it.
  3. If no surgery, then the pain may worsen. The meniscal tear would worsen until there's excrutiating pain.
  4. Surgery lasts an hour.
  5. Grade 1 & 2: treated by 'smoothing' it. Grade 3 & 4:  treated by nanofracture into bone to release blood and marrow to form fibro cartilage.
  6. Need to stay two nights at hospital i.e. before and after surgery. Booo. Hate needle.
  7. Crutches for 4-6 weeks. No cast needed.
  8. Pain post-surgery is not bad since this surgery involves only two small incisions (arthroscopy).
  9. Can resume walking, driving, sports between 3 to 6 weeks.
  10. Definition of full recovery: pain is minimised, can jog, brisk walk but avoid sports like badminton, football.
  11. Fibro cartilage lasts as long as the normal one.
  12. Success rate is 100% for this orthopedic (wahhhh).
  13. FOC: injection of cytokines (produced from my blood sample) to aid recovery.


William said…
Ooo new blog theme.
100% success rate! That's excellent.

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