Mid-range issue

At the next physio session, I told the therapist that, unlike pre-surgery, I still couldn't sit on my heels or feet without feeling pain across the knee, just behind the kneecap. After getting me to do a variety of exercises, she replaced the chair pose exercise with this:

Sit on heels. If cannot do so without tolerable pain, place pillow in between thighs and calves. Use glutes to push up to kneel position and sit back down. x10/set, x3 sets.

It was difficult for me to engage the glutes subtantially to do that but oh well, just did the best I could.

The next session, the therapist focused more on the above issue, which was occurence of pain during the mid-range motion of the leg when bending/straigtening.

A whole new sets of exercises, replacing the previous ones:

1. Exercise to stretch quads and calves.

2. Start with leg straigtened, restrained with elastic band. Bend it slowly, as low and as far back as possible. Hold for 5 counts before slowly straigtening. x10/set, x3 sets.

3. Start with leg bent at 90 degree, restrained with elastic band. Straighten it slowly. Hold for 5 counts before slowly bending. x10/set, x3 sets.

4. Start with leg bent at 90 degree, Slowly straigthen leg until just past the mid-range pain i.e. pain-free. Hold it for 5 counts before slowly bending. x10/set. Followed by lifting bent legs towards chest (similar to wanting to hug the legs) and then lower them down. x10/set. Repeat both consecutively two more times i.e. total 3 sets.

5. Hands on seat of chair. Bend left leg 90 degree, making sure that it's not in front of the standing leg. Open the left leg to the side as far as possible. Hold for 2 counts before closing back. x10/set, 3 sets. Repeat on the other leg.

6. While standing, cross one leg over the other in front and then back. x10/set, 3 sets. Repeat with the other leg.

7. Exercise to stretch quads and calves.

Three days later, these two were added:

  • Sit with legs straigthened. With flexed feet resratined with elastic band, pull the band towards the body. x10/set, 3 sets. Do this after (1) above.
  • Sumo squat. Knees towards the second toes. Sit on imaginary chair. x10/set, 3 sets


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