Another new set

Yes, seems like new set of physio exercise each week i.e. after two sessions. Replacing the previous set

1. Stretches
2. Lie down. Right leg bent 90 degree with heel on chair. Left ankle on right thigh. Lift hip and lower back. Hold for 5 counts. 10x3
3. Same as (2) but heel on mat and for 10 counts.
4. Stand only on right leg. Raise heel and lower it down, slowly and smoothly. On 10th rep hold for 10 counts. 10x3
5. Do (4) but raise front part of foot.
6. Sit on mat. Right leg folded in front. Left leg bent 90 degree with foot planted on mat. Lift body up with strength from right leg. 10x3
7. Kneel and sit on feet. Lift body up halfway, hold for 5 counts. 10x3
8. Stretches

The most difficult is no. (7). I had to reduce the number of reps but increase the number of sets so that the total number of reps remained at 30.

At the next session,

  • (2) was changed to a less difficult pose: left heel is also on the chair in line with the right heel. This was because I original pose caused pain where it shouldn't be.
  • (6) was lengthened: continue with lower right leg moves across the mat so that knee is bent at 90 degree facing forward. Stand up by straigthening both legs and move right leg to the front, in line with the left leg. Reverse the actions.
  • It turned out that I lifted my body a little too high for (7) and so it became even more difficult!


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