Crusader Kings II: Deheubarth campaign - The English conundrum, Multi claims & Kinsman's kingdom

If I didn't usurp the title Kingdom of England, there was a good chance my vassal duke Prince of England (who held a Welsh duchy and an English duchy) would press his weak claim for that title since the English king was a child. If he did, then he would drag the Welsh duchy within the kingdom and would be unhappy with me until I transfer all relevant vassals to him and thus making him very powerful.

So I had to usurp but the next problem was to whom I grant this title. Granting it to a duke would retain the prevailing succession law i.e. Elective Monarchy. I'm not sure whether the Prince of England can nominate himself because his primary title is the Welsh duchy.

Granting it to Grand Mayor of Guenet was quite attractive because (1) that would change the kingdom to be a merchant republic and thereby disallowing Prince of Duke of being elected as leader (wouldn't stop him from pressing his claim, if opportunity arises), (2) of bucketload of income, and (3) Prince Mayor generally is not ambitious to press claim against me. However, I would have a powerful vassal with -20 penalty (on top of the usual -20 for High Crown Authority) for having the wrong type of government. Also, it would yield less army levy.

In the end, I granted it to a vassal duke, hoping that they would never want to elect a Welsh duke (yes, the Prince of England was Welsh due to me placing a Welsh guardian to educate him previously). Hope that's true!


My chancellor with 30 in Diplomacy did well here: he managed to fabricate consecutively claims on 3 counties belonging to a duke within a relatively short period. Bear in mind that sometimes nothing pops up for decades! I could then press all claims at once for these. Victory enabled me to create Kingdom of Brittany and two duchies and bestowed them on my vassal King of Iwerddon. Before granting those, I landed two people I invited to court who had claims on Leon and Denmark kingdoms, respectively but shortly later, my vassal king revoked the latter's title. Meh.

On the other hand, I noticed that a kinsman had a weak claim on the Kingdom of Lotharingia. This kingdom used to be ruled by my dynasty due to a marriage between a kinsman and their queen previously. They lost it due to civil war and then regained again but lead by a Muslim child-king! This lead to the advent of the Fourth Crusade.


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