Digi 38 to 40?

One day, I received a call from a Digi personnel:

Digi: Hi, the Digi 38 plan is no longer available. Do you want to switch to Digi 40?

Me: There's no more Digi 38? Oh.

Digi: Yes. Digi 40 gives more data: 30gb.

Me: Not that important to me. I don't even use 1gb (in a month) currently.

*I was about to say I'll scout around but this happened instead...*

Digi: Ok, you can stay on Digi 38 but it has only 20gb data and need to agree to a 12-month contract.

Me: Oh, sure

*After we went through the process and ended the call, I told Ban about it*

Me: Saje-lah said no longer available but in the end also got *laughed*. The 12-month contract is a non-isssue for me.


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